Relief globes

Globes with relief - English cartography

Through a relief globe you get the feeling for the topography of the earth. The differences of the relief globes lie exclusively in the frame (foot and meridian).
Also with all globes the ball diameter is at 30 cm and English cartography. Important note: We ship to the EU and some other countries.

1 to 9 (from a total of 9)

What is a relief globe?

A relief globe is a globe with a raised surface that depicts the mountain ranges of our earth. Mountains such as the Alps, Urals, Atlas, Rocky Mountains, Andes and of course the Himalayas can be clearly felt on the surface of the globe. Relief globes are often referred to as 3D globes.

Are all mountains displayed in relief?

Unfortunately not, due to the diameter of 30 cm it is not technically possible to display all mountains in relief.