The birth of GlobenShop

01.06.2019 - Red. GlobenShop
Globen.Shop is a project of SÜD7, an advertising agency from southern Germany located on the western shore of Lake Constance near the Swiss border.

Our focus since 1999: digital media


Webdesign & Online-Shops SÜD7

From 2012 to 2017, we worked for a globe manufacturer. During this time, we developed ideas and strategies, especially for marketing via the company's own online shop. Now, a good 1.5 years without "globes", we have opened our new online shop with a preparation phase of around one year. We developed the logo based on the SÜD7 logo.

But first we had to choose the right manufacturer. We found a good partner in Räthgloben from Markranstädt near Leipzig. Räthgloben has a very long tradition. Production has been based in Leipzig since 1917. Their partnership with National Geographic today is an important and good addition. Design globes from Atmosphere in Italy round off this shop with around 100 different globe models.

Modern design vs. tradition; no contradiction for us

From traditional craftsmanship, e.g. hand-laminating, through to modern design globes, we endeavour to offer you a comprehensive and good selection.

Our standards for our own work are high, as we want to represent our agency work and create a user-friendly online shop for you as a customer. This is not an online shop which, once completed, will not be changed. We will try to provide you with a high added value through many small tools.