LeseLust is a project of TAFEL Singen, Kinderchancen e.V. and the bookshop Lesefutter

21.03.2023 - Eva Lahmer

At the Südstadttreff in Singen, children from different nations find a space to be.
In February, I had the honour of reading from the book 100 Children by Christoph Drösser.
Of the seven and a half billion people on earth, almost two billion are children under the age of 15.
I wrote these numbers with lots of zeros on a long sheet of paper.
After the reading, a boy came up to me and asked if he could take it home to show his parents.

This book is about numbers and, of course, about children. 100 children, who represent all the children in the world, live in a village.
Did you know that 56 of them come from Asia and only one from Germany? 33 have a dog, 50 can go online at home. But 100 children make music! Sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly. The important thing is to have fun.

It was a lively afternoon with wonderful encounters. The children showed each other their home country on the globe and were amazed at how many countries there are and how small or large they are.

We are delighted that we were able to donate a globe to the Singen children's centre.

Kinderglobus mit Sternzeichen